Short or Slow Replies? 9 Phrases That Really Grab Attention

slow replies

You’re having a fun conversation with a woman. Either over text , Tinder, or in real life. However, after some time she starts to become slow in her replies. There’s […]

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The 131 Least Boring Questions Ever to Ask Your Date

Would you rather have the gift of invisibility or teleportation? If you could sleep with any celebrity, who would it be? What is your fondest memory? What do you hate […]

Lees Verder

5 Shocking Insights on What Causes Attraction Between Man and Woman

I have thought about it for a long time… Why do so few people know how the game between men and women works? Some are honest and openly admit that […]

Lees Verder

What Makes Women Attracted to Men? 11 Irresistible Qualities

When you ask men what makes a woman attractive, the answer is usually crystal clear: a beautiful face, a fine gluteus buttimus, curves, long legs, low body fat, etc. Oh […]

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7 Underrated Things Women Find Extremely Attractive in Men

things women find attractive in men

What do women find attractive in men? You’re going to get the secrets from the women’s brain, so you’ll know exactly what makes women are attracted to. Because only then […]

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7 Unexpected Flirting Tips and Hacks to Become Irresistible

For many men, seducing a woman is a complicated issue. The Internet is full of articles with 93748372 tips on flirting with women. And that’s part of the problem. There […]

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7 Kissing Tips and Techniques to Become an Amazing Kisser

kissing tips

This article is for all my people who: Love kissing women as much as I do Think you first have to go on multiple dates and hold hands before you […]

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5 Signs She is ‘The One’: This Is How You Know For Sure

Among all the women you’ve met so far, she stands out. After years of searching, you might have found her: Your Mrs. Right. In this article I’ll show you: Why […]

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How do Women Fall in Love? 5 Steps How to Win a Girl’s Heart

how to make a women fall in love

He looks at her. She laughs about his mediocre dad joke, even though it was slightly sexist. [quote] “Nice! Finally, a woman without a stick up her ass…”, [author] – […]

Lees Verder

35 Exciting Date Ideas: How to Have an Unforgettable Date

exciting date ideas

Having drinks with your date? You can do better! You want a more exciting activity. With your girlfriend or for a first date. Let’s get right into it: Ultimate guide […]

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