“Hey, did you do anything exciting today?”
This is going to be the question you start your dates with from now on.
I will tell you more about why this is going to be your go-to question later.
What I can reveal, is that there’s a ton of verified studies to back me up on this.
I’m going to give you some more questions, so you’ll know what to say in any situation.
This is not a place for standard, run-of-the-mill questions.
Because they won’t get you anywhere when you’re on a date.
I want to give you the results.
And you will only get results if you’re not afraid to stray off the beaten path.
That is why I’m giving you:
- 145+ date questions to ask a girl and make her crazy about you
- The best date ice breaker questions to hit the ground running
- How a small change in topic instantly increases your chances for another date by 50%
- How specific use of words will have her drooling over you
- Date questions for couples that want to deepen their connection
- Juicy date questions to build the attractive tension
- Which topics will create a deep connection between you; verified from several studies
- In short: Date questions ranging from fun, interesting, deep, warm, hot to xxx
By the way, have you seen my free Transformation Kit?
You'll get my best stuff absolutely free: 12 Opening lines that actually work, my 5 best texting tips (including copy-paste lines for Tinder), and the Friendzone Houdini. Download the Transformation Kit here.
Ask these date icebreaker questions to hit the ground running
That might lead you to think…
I’ll tell you.
By the way…
Are you looking for more general get to know you better questions? And get all kinds of tips on how to keep the conversation going, how you can simply touch on all kinds of subjects, and how you can create a deeper connection?
Then check out this article:
-> The 131 Least Boring Questions Ever to Ask Your Date
Why a specific choice of words is important in your date quizzes
The words you use at the start of the date determine half of how curious she’ll be about you during the rest of the date.
You’ll hear dating coaches say things like:
It doesn’t matter ‘what’ you say…It’s about ‘how’ you say it.
They’re right.
But it’s only 50% of the truth.
The literal words is the other 50%.
So if you only take the advice of these dating coaches, you’re selling yourself short.
A date isn’t a game of golf, where a good player needs to use fewer strokes to get through the course than a player who isn’t as good, in order to make it ‘fair’.
A date is about results. And every advantage you can give yourself, you want to give yourself.
What exactly am I talking about…?
There have been studies into conversation starters at a giant networking event. They looked at the effect certain types of conversation starters had on the other person.
They found roughly two types.
- The bad conversation starter, where the other person answers carefully, gives a tense smile and shuffles back and forth a little because of the awkwardness
- The good conversation starter, causing the other person to smile, turn towards the other person and where the conversation goes increasingly louder as time passes.
Bad starters included:
- What do you do for a living?
- How are you?
- Where are you from?
Good starters included:
- Have you been working on anything exciting lately?
- Do you have a vacation planned anytime soon?
- Has anything positive happened to you today?
Why did these lead to positive reactions?
Choice of words.
They used words that activate the brain to think of something positive.
And when the brain thinks of something positive, it produces a neurotransmitter called dopamine.
Science shows that it’s released when someone experiences joy and reward.
And when it comes to a date, the release of dopamine in the other person does two things for you:
- The other person experiences joy. You literally ask them to borrow excitement from somewhere else at some other time in their life and transport it to this situation.
- It makes YOU more memorable. They will have more trouble remembering others. Every shot of dopamine is like a post-it that is made reminding them of someone else. And all these post-its are signed by you.
So ban the standard date questions from your arsenal and start working on questions with words that make the other person think of something positive.
Now before we jump into the fun, interesting and juicy questions you want to be asking on your dates. First 5 topics of questions you want to leave out of your date question ‘game’.
5 Question topics you want to avoid like crack dealers
Bring up these subjects, and I guarantee that you’ll be going home alone.
A date is not a debate room
Donald Trump and Boris Johnson will not be your best wingmen.
Avoid political date questions. Definitely at the start of the date. Or if you have just started dating.
Leave the negativity at your doorstep
Never bring negativity to a date.
If you’re negative, she’ll be negative.
So don’t talk about your exhausting week, shitty chores, or that you’re dreading having to clean your toilet.
Always focus on the positive vibes. Or turn something negative into funny (positive) story.
D0n’t pl4y w1th numb3rs
- Do NOT ask these questions.
They will make you look weaker than soft boiled pasta.
You’re an attractive maddafakka, and this so-called ‘competition’ isn’t even in the same ballpark as you.
Leave your parents out of it
I‘m sure you love your mother, dearly.
But bringing her up on your first date might come across a little childish.
It might also give her the impression that you’re looking to settle down fast. This can put too much pressure on her too soon.
The best thing is not to talk about your parents on the first date.
Unless she asks about your family.
Then you want to tell her a funny story, that makes you look good and which shows you have a nice family.
Let your ex be an ex-topic
Just like you and her ex are behind you…
You should leave this topic behind you on your date.
It’s about your current relationship. Not your past relationships.
Again, as with the parents when she asks tell something about it. And keep it lightheartedly.
Now that it’s clear what to avoid. Let’s start off with questions when you’re just getting to know someone.
Date questions to get to know someone
It’s always a matter of reading the room in the beginning.
Both of you are trying to figure out what you’re working with.
That is why at the start of the date, you don’t want to go too hard in terms of the types of questions to ask a girl.
The questions below are a perfect way to build up to more exotic grounds when it comes to date questions:
Now, you might be on a date with a girl who’s not talkative at all. She might be shy, or just a quiet person.
Regardless, if this happens, you’ll also need some tips on how to keep the conversation flowing.
Check out this article:
>> What Should I Say to a Girl – 17 Best ‘Tricks’ to Spark Awesome Conversations
Fun date questions
A date is not about discovering every little fact about the other person.
You probably aren’t even super interested in what she does, studies, does daily or what she eats for breakfast in the morning.
You probably ask these questions to fill the silence or because you think that’s what you’re supposed to do.
You’re probably way more interested in how you feel with the other person.
A date is bout experiencing each other.
The best way to do that is with humor.
So ask these fun date questions:
Stray off the beaten path and make her feel attracted to you
Research by none other than Dan Ariely (love the name bro) has shown that it’s better to skip the standard questions and immediately ask whether she’s ever had an STD.
Sounds risky.
But his research has shown that there is a more positive response to the types of questions that are ‘out of the box’ than ‘inside the box’.
It turned out people were happier about these types of questions than about the safe date questions.
So skip the boring questions about her favorite color and favorite animal and use the following date question to ask a girl:
Do you want a free e-Book with 17 example sentences to spice up any conversation?
Then download it here:
Say goodbye to boring conversations with the Boring Conversations Cheat Sheet.
Subtle date questions to ask a girl that could be taken the ‘wrong’ way
You’ll understand what I mean with ‘wrong’:
Later on you’ll find some more juicy date questions. You definitely have to ask a few spicy ones to let her know you’re not asking to be in her friendzone.
Date questions for couples-to-be
These date questions can make her feel like you’ve been together forever.
It creates a very flirtatious vibe between you. As if you’ve been a couple for quite some time.
Exactly the feeling you want on a date:
I also have an article with first date questions that will help you get her to fall in love with you from the very first date:
-> 47 Powerful Open-Ended Questions to Ask a Girl on a First Date
Ask about other dates to make yourself more attractive with these date night questions
It’s always hilarious to talk about other dates.
It also gives you an opportunity to find out a lot about her…
…what she likes and what she sees as deal-breakers.
That way you can make yourself look really good:
If you don’t want to just lean on questions, but also make bold statements about her, making her feel instantly attracted to you…
Then steal the best way to prep for a date from me.
Check out my Transformation Kit.
Create massive connection with these great date questions
Research shows you can create an instant connection with your date by exposing secrets.
Sounds nerve-wracking?
Yeah, I guess you’re right.
But it also creates a connection between the two of you which would take ages to form through other standard date questions.
Now you can forge it with just a few questions.
These are often questions that bring up tons of stories.
Do be careful, though.
You’re asking her to spill a secret. Chances are you’ll need to unveil something too.
And to ease her into it and make sure she doesn’t jump up and spill her hot coffee on you, maybe its best you tell your secret first.
So next time you’re on a date, try asking one of the following questions:
Date questions you definitely want to ask your girl
An original date means half the work
The more original your date…
The less work you’ll have to do.
So check out this list of original date locations. You can find something original to do wherever you are.
Check out the article on unique dating locations here:
-> 35 Exciting Date Ideas: How to Have an Unforgettable Date
Date questions to get to know someone better
Follow up to the previous one:
These great date questions for couples too.
Even if you’ve been together for quite a while, there are still more layers to discover about a person.
Someone keeps evolving throughout her life. There’s always another layer to discover. This doesn’t only keep your relationship interesting. It also keeps you interested in each other.
Let’s continue with one specific date question you could better avoid.
Rather avoid this date question topic
Mr. Wiseman’s research shows that it’s better to skip the topic of ‘movies’ in a conversation.
It’s better to talk about traveling.
This increases the likelihood of a second date by 50%.
Talking about movies usually happens in terms of ‘good’ or ‘not good’.
And might have negative connotations: if she’s totally addicted to Harry Potter, and you think it’s just a cheap Lord of the Rings knock-off.
And everyone loves talking about their travel stories or future adventures.
So stop talking about movies and start talking about traveling.
For example:
Up until now, the questions have been friendly.
Nothing bad with friendly since all of them are fun to ask and really get to know someone better.
However, to really get the sparks flying between you, you might want to go a little more spicy.
Up next are these juicy questions:
Juicy date questions
To make sure she doesn’t think about putting you straight into the friend zone, you want to throw in at least one sexual innuendo.
It might be a little too forward to ask her what her favorite position is though.
So it’s better to be more subtle about it, but no less effective. Use these juicy date questions:
Hey, it goes without saying, but you shouldn’t spend the entire date asking each of these questions in a row.
If you want to make the date memorable, you also want to come up with interesting topics to talk about.
Guess what? There’s an article about this. Check it out:
>> 15 Best Topics to Talk About with a Girl (Texting/Dates/Tinder)
Date questions to find out what she’s willing to do for you
These questions are fun for a little further on during your date.
They will indirectly tell you how much she cares about you.
And how much she would be willing to do for you right at that moment.
Date questions and answers – A final bit of advice for you
Date questions done!
But be careful!
It’s not smart to ask them all one by one, like a gate that only lets one person through at a time.
That will come across super weird, and you will end up in the biggest pitfall where 9 out of 10 men already end up anyway:
The interview date.
You want to come prepared.
And reading this article has been your preparation.
But you want to sprinkle these date questions through your date like you’d do with herbs and spices through your food.
Remember the questions you like and what you really want to know about her.
Write them in the notes section of your phone. That way you can always check them really quickly if needs be.
There’s one more advice I want to give you.
It helps to get better at meeting women in every arena.
- Conversation techniques that would make a glass of water wet for you
- Sentences that will get you out of any compromising situation
- And tips for online dating, making sure your phone is constantly vibrating off the table with feminine interest.
The Transformation Kit.
Free for you.
All you have to do is press the button and leave your email address.
I’ll do the rest for you.
Your bro,
Dan de Ram
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