You have a nice lady you share the bed with.
Looking for another way to show off that you’re a freak under the sheets? Consider adding something new to your repertoire:
Dirty talk.
But how do you start sexy talking?
Well, you’ve come to the right place.
Because I will give you 10 dirty talk tips that will make her addicted to you.
- Anyone can get good at dirty talk (yes, even you!)
- #1: Keep the dirty talk simple and innocent
- #2: Start with dirty talk? Feel her
- #3: Get the right tone
- #4: Ask questions
- #5: Also use dirty talk outside the bedroom
- #6: Send naughty messages via WhatsApp
- #7: Be descriptive
- #8: Be specific
- #9: Use dirty talk for better sex
- #10: What is sabotaging your sex life?
- How you can talk dirty with 10x as many women from now on
By the way, have you seen my free Transformation Kit?
You'll get my best stuff absolutely free: 12 Opening lines that actually work, my 5 best texting tips (including copy-paste lines for Tinder), and the Friendzone Houdini. Download the Transformation Kit here.
In this article, I’ll share my best sexy talk tips and dirty talk examples with you. Continue reading at your own risk!
Be prepared to drive all your partners EX-TRE-ME-LY crazy from now on.
Anyone can get good at dirty talk (yes, even you!)
I know what you’re thinking. Saying naughty words during sex is pretty nerve-wracking.
Not so weird.
After all, you have to verbalize your most naughty thoughts. In doing so, you expose a part of yourself that probably no one has ever seen except yourself.
Heavy shit dude.
No wonder you’d rather be silent and take it to the grave.
But be honest. Keeping your lips shut isn’t exactly sexy. And being sexy is kind of the goal when you’re lying in bed with her.
Or not?
That’s why I’ve written down all kinds of tips and example sentences for you. They are guaranteed to work and drive your bed partner crazy with excitement.
Without embarrassment!
#1: Keep the dirty talk simple and innocent
Many men make the mistake of starting talking dirty and going straight from 0 to 100.
Most of our sex education these days comes from PornHub (thanks, internet!), leaving us all screwed when it comes to understanding intercourse.
We quickly assume that sexy talk must be dripping with filth.
But do you go from the silence of a library in old people’s homes to filthy pornographic slogans that are even too nasty for the creepy neighbor?
Then, there is a good chance that you’ll scare off your partner.
That’s why I’m going to tell you something important. It may sound strange:
Dirty talk DOESN’T have to be dirty.
Are you ready for a SUPER effective, pleasure-inducing, deceptively simple sexy talk phrase?
OK, here it comes:
“Oh yeah”
Yep, believe me. Small phrase, BIG effect. Perfect for a dirty talk virgin.
According to scientific research, so-called ‘reflexive’ dirty talk, where you actually only make a little noise and don’t even say much in terms of content, is something both men and women can enjoy during sex.
This includes moaning, “Fuck,” “Oh my God.”
- Don’t overthink about it.
- Don’t immediately pretend to be in porn.
- Keep it simple.
How do you continue after this first, relatively mild start?
You can read that in the next tip!
>> Want To Turn Her On? Try These 9 Dirty Talk Phrases and Tips
#2: Start with dirty talk? Feel her
No, not that way, you pervert! (Maybe later…)
To add to the previous tip, start SMALL.
What you need to do next is see how she reacts.
Does your sexy talk turn her on? She may also start whispering some naughty words in your ear as a response.
Now you can throw the dirty-talk-mobile into the next gear!
Continually experiment with (naughty) words and phrases and stay alert to the things that make her WILD.
Play in on those words and phrases. Keep using them!
Also, pay attention to the kinds of sexy talk that turn her off. That’s a no-go.
Want to know more about how to arouse a woman? I wrote a whole article about it:
>> Get Your Wife in the Mood Tonight – the Only 8 Tips You Need
#3: Get the right tone
We’ve all heard that stubborn fact somewhere:
Is that entirely accurate? Doubtful.
But you’re not here to talk percentages.
In any case, there is undoubtedly a grain of truth in it.
Dirty talk isn’t just about WHAT you say, but also HOW you say it.
An extremely painful mistake you NEVER want to make while talking dirty is laughing.
Another blunder you want to avoid is stammering your words out uncertainly.
These mistakes ensure that you come across as insincere to your bed partner.
That’s why it’s SUPER important that you keep these tips in mind during the dirty talk:
- Speak slowly and confidently. (So, try to stick to words and phrases that don’t feel ‘crazy’ to pronounce, but that suit you)
- Don’t laugh.
- Sometimes, look her in the eye when you say the words.
And the most important, which I saved for last:
No, this doesn’t mean you should be some coked-up SpongeBob jumping up and down next to the bed.
But you do need to make her feel like you WANT her.
So she’ll feel WANTED.
Do you understand?
Do all of this, and you make her feel that she is so fierce and irresistibly attractive that you just can’t control yourself anymore and HAVE to say these indecent things.
That encourages her to take the plunge, perhaps also try new things.
>> 7 Ingrediënts to Spice Up Your Relationship Continuously
#4: Ask questions
Not sure how to start the dirty talk?
An excellent go-to if you are lacking inspiration:
If you’ve never used dirty talk in bed together, chances are it will feel a little uncomfortable for both of you at first.
Asking her questions offers several advantages in this situation:
- She feels seen
- You will find out more about what she likes
- It gives you some time to come up with even more horny dirty talk
I thought you’d ask that.
That’s why I have examples of some dirty talk questions:
Want to know more about how to become a Sex God? Then check this article:
>> The Art of Dominating a Woman in Bed in 5 Tips
#5: Also use dirty talk outside the bedroom
A mistake far too many men are guilty of:
Limiting dirty talk to the bedroom.
I don’t understand where this behavior comes from. It’s not like people leave their penis or vagina like a pair of slippers at the door when they leave the bedroom.
Well, it doesn’t matter.
How are you going to get better at dirty talk?
Start to unexpectedly say something sexual to her when you’re doing something COMPLETELY different.
Everyday dirty talk examples:
Science teaches us that men and women get aroused differently.
We men are like a light switch. We get excited quickly. And if we are physically in the mood (hello, boner!), we are ready to go.
It is different with women. They are more like a dimmer that comes on slowly until its brightest.
Research shows hardly any association between physical and mental sexual arousal in women.
The following:
Do you realize that sex drive works differently for her than for you? Just by giving her little breadcrumbs of dirty talk all day long, you give her a chance to warm up slowly.
By the time you’re finally alone at night, she’s ready to rip off your clothing.
In the next tip, we continue to use dirty talk outside the bedroom in a GREAT way.
>> What Women Want in Bed: 10 Ways to Be Her Sex God
#6: Send naughty messages via WhatsApp
As mentioned in the previous tip, it is advisable to keep up the dirty talk not only during sex but also during the day.
Texting is PERFECT for this.
This way, you can share your naughtiest thoughts with her without being around each other. For example, if you are both at work.
But even if you are in the same room during a birthday, you can send her a steaming hot text.
Out of nowhere.
Watch her cheeks turn red as she quickly looks around to make sure no one else sees your secret message.
An added benefit of dirty talk via text is that it probably feels less awkward typing these naughty words than saying them aloud.
Here they come:
With this, you are guaranteed to set the tone for a very sexy evening.
Do you want to become a black belt master of flirting via text? Then you should read this article:
>> 5 Highly Effective Texting Secrets Women Don’t Want You to Know
#7: Be descriptive
As a beginner, it is indeed best to stick to the basics.
Simplicity is the key.
But after a while, simplicity gets a bit predictable and BORING.
A simple way to keep the excitement high is to be descriptive.
How to do this?
!WARNING: The following may be a little hard to swallow for the prudish among us! Pun intended, hehe.
- Describe what you do with her: “It’s so nice to caress your breasts.”
- Describe what she does to you: “Oh my God, don’t stop. Your tongue on my tip feels so good.”
- Or keep it nice and straightforward: “Yes, that feels so good!”
>> How to Please a Woman in Bed (Step-by-Step Guide)
#8: Be specific
Every woman loves compliments, also in the bedroom.
Dirty compliments (“Your pussy feels so good”) are a HUGE turn-on for many women.
TIP: Make it even more exciting for her by making your compliments SPECIFICALLY about her.
So don’t just say, “You make me horny,” but also say why HER body turns you on so much. This makes her feel seen and valued. Which gives her more confidence and ensures that she will let go of all the brakes in bed. Miauw!
For example, are you blessed with a bed partner with generous buttocks? Let her know how that turns you on:
In this way, what she may be insecure about becomes something she can and should be proud of.
The next day she’ll keep thinking about the naughty words you whispered in her ear the night before and grinning complacently.
Another thing you can use to make the dirty talk more specific is RIDICULOUSLY simple but oh so effective:
It is a unique sensation for us humans to hear our name in one way or another.
And this could just be as simple as “Oh, Chantal” (provided her name is Chantal, of course).
Hearing her name during sex makes it more personal for her. This also subconsciously makes her feel that she is very special to you. And that’s what everyone wants.
>> 15 Top Female Secrets Women Do ‘NOT’ Want You To Know
#9: Use dirty talk for better sex
If you find dirty talk difficult, you probably aren’t doing it for yourself, but for the other.
Fine. It’s great that you are so giving!
But you can also use dirty talk in a way that you BOTH enjoy.
By saying naughty phrases as a reward for things you like.
Is she doing something that feels INTENSELY good?
Express your feelings. Show how you enjoy it. Make sounds. Speak it out.
Not only will you be talking dirty, but you will also undoubtedly get MORE of what you like so much.
She likes to receive compliments and to make you feel good.
By expressing what you like, you will only get more of it.
#10: What is sabotaging your sex life?
Countless magazines and articles are about improving your sex life, but they almost all make the same mistake:
They don’t dwell on the underlying fear of any relationship.
What fear?
Fear of shame.
And maybe now you’re thinking:
But a long relationship does not automatically mean that there is no shame!
The longer people are in a relationship. The more both parties have the idea that they know everything about each other. You have a lot to lose, and you don’t want to risk it.
Maybe you secretly want to experience something new sexually?
But you may be afraid to express this to your wife or girlfriend because this fantasy may not fit the image she has of you.
Sound familiar?
If so, sit down with your partner and ask:
After listening very carefully to your partner, I want you to say what you want to do in bed.
For instance:
(It can also be something else, of course.)
This way, you get an open dialogue.
How you can talk dirty with 10x as many women from now on
Congratulations, you now know how to drive your bed partner crazy with just your words and voice.
But yes, now you still have to get them in your bed.
With my free Transformation kit, of course!
With this, you will be able to address ANY woman in ANY situation from now on.
- Your conversations will never stop again
- Flirting will be easier than you ever thought
- She will be eager to give you her number
So it’s time to put your knowledge about dirty talk into practice.
Click on the button below, and you will immediately receive your Transformation kit by email.
Your bro,
Dan de Ram
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