Or maybe you’ve been invited by a woman to her home before.
But what does it actually mean?
Does she see you as a brother? Potential boyfriend? Or hook-up?
You’re about to find out exactly what it means when a girl invites you to her house.
Read on and get:
- The hidden meaning behind the invitation to her home
- Your situation diagnosed by the #1 Dutch dating coach
- 5 Pre-date tips to guarantee success
- How you postpone your goodbyes ‘til the next morning 😉
- 12 phrases to make your conversations flirtier
- The most effective way to be attractive to EVERY woman
- And a whole lot more…
By the way, have you seen my free Transformation Kit?
You'll get my best stuff absolutely free: 12 Opening lines that actually work, my 5 best texting tips (including copy-paste lines for Tinder), and the Friendzone Houdini. Download the Transformation Kit here.
Tip #1: What it means if a girl invites you to her house
First of all, FANTASTIC news!
She trusts you.
Because she won’t randomly invite you over to her safe space.
But before you start pounding your chest like a gorilla that just found a banana…
There is a downside.
It might sound crazy… but in relationships, there’s something called too much trust.
If that trust is founded solely on friendship, then she might feel so relaxed in your company…
That POSSIBLY she no longer thinks of you as an attractive man but sees you as the world’s loveliest talking teddy bear.
Again, she might think this.
I only know with certainty that she trusts you.
And that trust can be based on:
- Friendship
- Love, and
- A burning desire in her loins.
In short, your relationship can thus set sail on different courses.
That’s why you need to take the helm in your hands and set the correct course.
Read in the next tip how you can do this.
Tip #2: Does she see you as a friend, or as ‘boyfriend’ (IMPORTANT!)
In this tip, the dating expert himself diagnoses the nature of your relationship.
Because the nature of your relation reveals her intention.
- Does she invite you for a night of gossip, as she does with her other chicas?
- Does she want to huddle up, so you’ll make a move towards a romantic relationship?
- Or is she hoping you’ll throw her on bed and give her an UNFORGETTABLE night?
You might not be in a relationship with her (yet), but you do have a relationship with her.
Let’s explore the context of these three different relationships.
And expose her underlying intentions.
A platonic friendship
There’s nothing worse than being in love with a girl who only sees you as her pal.
That’s why you must never end up in the friendzone.
For real though.
But how do you know if you already fell in the friendzone?
Here are the bullets of truth:
- Your conversations are mostly serious rather than light and teasing. Even worse, she speaks openly to you about her interest in other men. A signal clearer than broad daylight. Nothing else indicates more clearly that she sees you as an asexual puppy.
- The timing of your rendezvous. The evening is the time of romance. If she only invites you when the sun still shines, chances are that her intentions are purely platonic.
- Your time together is fun, but there’s never a moment of tension where she looks you straight in the eyes with a stare that says “I want you. Don’t you see that? Kiss me NOW and give me what I’ve desired for so long!”
- She never touches you except when you meet and say goodbye. And these touches are most likely limited to a hug and/or kiss on the cheek. During your chill sessions, you’re not even close to holding hands.
When you’re deep in the friendzone.
Do these symptoms sound familiar?
Sucks bro.
But there’s still a sliver of hope left for you.
Sometimes, after throwing you into the abyss of the friendzone, a woman can develop romantic feelings for you over time.
Does her heart beat faster for you? Then a woman will give you subtle signs to make a move.
How do these look like?
Check out my article on 27 flirt signs from women.
Whatever she feels for you, it’s smart to learn to flirt better so she understands your intentions.
You’ll find out how later on in the article.
A romantic relationship
Sometimes a girl invites you to her house to bring the relationship to the next level…
Boyfriend & girlfriend.
But how do you know if she wants to be the Rachel to your Ross?
You’ve been on a few dates where kisses were exchanged, or at the least there’s been some obvious flirting over text. BTW, here you can find out if she likes you over text.
Another good signal is your X-rated night on the dancefloor at the nightclub.
No need to worry she’s only after you for sex.
Her invitation to her casa is the next step to a fling or long-term relationship.
A one-time escapade
A girl wants to hang out alone after a first encounter where you’ve already kissed?
Or a girl invites you over to her house straight from a dating app?
Then she’s probably looking for an exciting night between the sheets.
Take her to new heights, and she might turn you into her new hook-up buddy.
*angels singing*
Discretionary note:
As with every Tinder date, you’re in for a surprise. This is very nice, but of course, sometimes there is no chemistry with your date. That’s not a problem, however, if you agree to meet directly at her house it could be an awkward night.
For this reason, I rather plan the first date on neutral grounds.
And I advise you to do the same.
Tip #3: The right approach for the date
You’re gonna visit her home. Nerve-wracking! These tips will help you to prevent disasters from happening.
Luckily you can prevent these mistakes.
The biggest misstep is the timing.
The later you get together, the greater the romance-meter spikes.
Of course, keep using your common sense. Meeting at the stroke of midnight is more like the beginning of a horror movie.
Now, you might be asking yourself:
(You probably have certain things in mind for later in the evening.)
But a date goes more smoothly if you’re doing something fun.
An essential element is the activity. What will you two be doing?
Setting foot in her house for the first time is often stressful.
Your mind starts racing with thoughts!
If you want to relieve some of the tension, it’s smart to actively do something. Instead of crashing on the couch and chatting away.
Rather, I advise of an evening of cooking.
By focusing on cooking, silences can’t do any damage. As silences are very natural when actively doing something. That’s how you avoid awkward silences.
A smart addition is to start by doing groceries together.
This allows you to get used to each other before arriving at her place.
Are you meeting after 8? Then cooking isn’t great.
Drinks however are.
Looking for a different sensual activity without stress? Then make cocktails together.
Tip #4: The first blow is half the battle
And the second blow might be a one-way ticket to heaven.
See this as a reminder to yourself: do not forget to prepare the date.
This can make all the difference between snoring after an Incognito session on Chrome, or keeping her neighbors up all night long.
How should you exactly prepare for the date?
Get into a peak emotional state so you leave an incredible impression.
To do this, 5 quick tips!
Feel-good hormones.
Scientists have known for years that exercising causes a good mood.
Put simply, movement shakes out the endorphins in your body. Which reduces stress, and increases happiness. The greater the intensity, the greater you will feel.
My advice?
Lift some weights at the gym. Or do a short, but high-intensity interval training.
Laughing is the best medicine
Not the sporty type?
No worries.
Laughing also releases our endorphin friends. Which gives you a sensational ‘buzz’.
What to do?
Open Netflix and turn on a sitcom. Like the Office US, Family Guy, or Friends. Or search for a good ol’ stand-up comedy set.
Try out Seinfeld, Dave Chappelle, and Louis CK.
Netflix or YouTube recommends enough material to split your sides laughing.
Dancing to the beat
Music gives you energy, increases your physical stamina, and gets you out of a slump.
That’s not just bro science, but also the conclusion of Costas Karageorghis.
A professor who dedicated years of research to the secret powers of music.
Walking out of your office or school building?
Plug in them ‘pods and crank up the volume of your favorite tracks.
Shake off your grogginess
I’ll let you in on a secret…
There are social functions where even I, as dating-coach, am not fully socially lit.
Wow, hold on. Please give me a moment before you rip all my pictures of the wall.
A little social awkwardness is absolutely normal after an 8-hour working day. And sometimes I make 12-hour days.
If I’m locked in a small room for all those hours without human contact, I’ll feel mentally worn out.
Better yet, my social muscles are ICE COLD.
To warm up, nothing works better than joking around with a mate.
Noticing you’re feeling socially sluggish?
Call up a homie.
Or fire up Skype/Discord and kill off some bad guys with your mates online.
The easiest way to increase your attractiveness
Even an Average Andy can change himself from ‘Meh’ to ‘Bow-chica-wow-wow’ in only one move.
As a treat I’ll bust out the answer right away:
Countless research shows there’s a direct link between scent and sexual attraction.
Some laboratories even say that scent is more important than appearance when it comes to creating affection.
Whether the aroma is natural or artificial doesn’t matter.
Because if she likes the fragrance, it’ll make her panties wet.
So buy a cologne!
Tip #5: At her house? Or rather at yours?
If you don’t see obvious differences between meeting at yours or hers, then this tip is a MUST.
Don’t think that meeting at her house is always good, and that chilling at yours is always bad.
The differences are not that clear cut.
It’s more of a balance of interests.
*grabs scale*
Let’s start with her house.
The pros and cons of chilling at HER place
The largest advantage of her home is her level of relaxedness.
Apart from a sunny beach, few other places make her feel more at ease than her home.
Besides, she likes showing her turf to the man with whom she wants to boost her relationship.
Literally and figuratively speaking, she brings you into her life.
The cons?
- You end up in an unfamiliar situation.
There might be attention-seeking pets, annoying flatmates, and a living room that serves as the local dump.
Although these are clearly exceptional cases, which you don’t want to worry about.
When a woman invites you to her house, everything will be fine.
Worst case scenario: her flatmate might try you with a lame remark, “Soooo! You are her new boyfriend?”
Another disadvantage could be for her.
Some women feel better about getting together at the man’s place.
The pros and cons of chilling at YOUR place
What goes for her, always goes for you.
- The ease of your own home.
- Easy conversation topics when showing her your home.
You are in full control of hygiene, lighting, seating, music, snacks, and drinks.
Of course, now this puts you in the tough spot of sending her home if she doesn’t want to go.
Sitting on the couch together? Then do the following:
*pulls her closer*
*put lips against her ear*
I am 100% joking.
Although the art of flirting is hidden in there.
More about that in the next tip.
Tip #6: How you flirt things up between you two
If flirting is not your second nature, then you’re lucky. Because after this tip, you will know exactly how to flirt up your date.
Even when the woman likes you, a lot of men still manage to ruin this on their date.
With extremely friendly chit-chat.
After rambling two hours about work, the weather, and her favorite color, every form of attraction is gone to where the sun won’t shine.
Well, these topics aren’t bad per se.
However, if you don’t talk about other things, they ARE.
Because she will never feel your dick masculine energy.
If she never gets the feeling something might happen, she will lose interest.
So then, what is flirting?
Flirting is playing with sexual attraction in a light-hearted manner. You do this by playfully complimenting and teasing – attracting and repelling. You can use your tone of voice, teasing lines, body language, and touches.
It can be part of what you say, a touch, or a glance.
Today we will stick to all that is verbal.
Let’s start with a teasing line at the beginning of the date.
Don’t see yourself saying this?
It’s just an example.
If you find it easier to give her a compliment about her hair or dress, then that’s also great.
If you’re in conversation later that night, then say this:
Do you see why this is flirty?
You express your physical desires. And you implicitly say that you want to kiss her.
WITHOUT being rude or too direct.
Does she respond positively?
For instance by touching you, giggling, or seductively staring you in the eyes, then that is a good sign.
Translated into man lingo, “KISS ME NOW!!!!!!!!!!!”
Another signal a woman gives you when she likes you is that she’ll play with her hair. As if she says, “I hope you see how pretty my hair is.”
Above I’ve mentioned only two flirt lines.
And I have another 11 phrases where those came from.
Tip #7: How you become more attractive for EVERY woman today
For the most part, sexual attraction has been taught to us. Here you’ll read how.
It is one of the oldest and most misunderstood riddles:
What the f*ck do women find attractive in a man?
Our jawline, six-pack, deep voice, beer-belly?
Every lady seems to answer differently.
Apparently, women don’t even know themselves!
Or they don’t want to tell us…
I’ve hit the books and dug up every relevant research I could find as if my life depended on it. Topped off with ten thousands of interactions and giving hundreds of flirt-trainings, I’ve learned a thing or two about the subject. 😉
I now know exactly what makes you an attractive man for them ladies.
One part lies in self-confidence.
- Self-confidence shows that you believe in yourself. And if you don’t do that, then why should she?
- It shows authority. Only someone who has confidence in his ideas can demand attention and respect of others.
- You are optimistic. Men with self-confidence believe that they can handle any situation, as well as adapt to possible consequences.
And the list goes on and on.
Other aspects are vulnerability. Calmness. And passion.
Making attraction practical for you
By using my Transformation Kit as a guideline.
This kit doesn’t only show you how you can seduce your crush…
But how you can attract women in GENERAL.
This kit is only for men who are willing to take action.
Sexual attraction isn’t something you pull out of thin air.
If you are not willing to get your hands dirty, then you are not even worth the Transformation Kit.
That’s because, despite expecting NOTHING in return, its contents will enrich your life with more pussy you can handle.
Download the Transformation Kit here.
Keep fighting to become the best version of yourself, mate.
Your bro,
Dan de Ram
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